Manga One Piece 1032 Spoilers: Everything Revealed So Far

2021-11-21     曹強育     反饋

One Piece 1032 Spoilers has recently released after the Manga took a weekly break. The battle on both sides of Ogashima has become very intense, and new mysterious things keep on appearing. Apoo and X Drake were also settling their score, but Yamato learned that X Drake is not an enemy. The new Numbers has appeared with Number Fuga, who is after Yamato. But X Drake has decided to help Yamato. One Piece reveals the battles from both sides, but Luffy and Kaidou’s part is yet to be covered. In the last latest chapter, we see Sanji learning that he has hit the lady, but he can』t remember anything about that.

X Drake vs. Apoo was also interesting, but they didn』t last long since Yamato and the Numbers interfered. Sanji has also given up on his Raid Suit and communicated with Zoro, who had an intense battle with King. Zoro also shows new signature moves that surprise King, who turns into a dinosaur. During King vs. Zoro, Sanji gets a chance to talk with Zoro about the battle and wants Zoro to do him a favor by killing him since Germa’s powers seem to negatively affect him.

Zoro agrees to that and wants Sanji to stay alive until they win the battle. Big Mom also played a role as she continued to fight with Captain Kid and Law. She took another form after enhancing her body with the powers of souls and her lifespan. Queen also took his hybrid form, but he was surprised to see Sanji vanishing after talking with Zoro. The manga has returned, and three chapters will be released in a row. Let’s look at what the latest spoilers and other updates of One Piece have to offer.

One Piece 1032 Spoilers

Note that the spoilers are not in the full summary, and they will be updated soon. The chapter is titled 「The Dear Sword of Oden.」 This begins on Marco’s side, who is with Izou.

– Marco turns into a Phoenix and leaves with Izou.

– It was shown that Number Fuuga might be Yamato’s friend.

One Piece 1032 Spoilers

– Brook and Robin encounter something, and they fall above Number Fuga’s head.

– The CP0 agents chase Yamato and Robin

-The CP0 agents got attacked by Fire Youkai coming from the upper floors and got injured.

– Apoo finds that the CP0 has arrived, takes a camera, and pictures them to sell to Morgans.

– CP0 agents have discovered X Drake’s real identity.

– CP0 vs. X Drage and Apoo begins

– King vs. Zoro continues, and it seems as if King possesses a special dinosaur body that looks like Queen’s.

– During an intense battle, King took his human form and used his sword to fight with Zoro.

– Zoro asks about Fishman wondering if 」he」 has Giant’s blood and thinks that 」he」 has the power of a race.